Product Ideas

Can emergency works be imported to ?

An idea we have had in Worcestershire is for Emergency works to be shown with a different type of symbol, whether that is with a small E in the corner of the logo or a different colour so that at a glance any Emergency applications/ permits are visible. This would be particularly helpful for the public to view directly when they complain about two sets of nearby works, when one is existing planned and one is new emergency. This would save us time having to explain the emergency works each time.

I hope this can be considered.

  • Guest
  • Mar 18 2020
  • Delivered
  • Sep 6, 2021

    Admin response

    This solution has now been delivered.

    TM Plans can be marked as emergencies and it is possible to create Live Link closures using the new emergency features.

    For further details please contact your CSM.

  • Attach files
  • Yasin Ziya commented
    May 17, 2023 16:43

    While I must have voted for this in the past, and happy that it's been delivered, is it too late to include a U on the symbols for Urgent works which are a standalone work types (Immediate Ermgency and Immediate Urgent).