I’d like to suggest a “Works Restriction” option as part of the Traffic Management app.
Currently we have to restrict works in an certain area due to major works, events or Christmas trade restrictions etc etc, the only way we can do this is by placing a polygon over the area. This is fine but it is also cumbersome because it makes the map difficult to navigate and also covers minor streets which may not need to be restricted. Example:
If an option to create plans like the one attached on individual streets, or even better, as a TM plan option that can be linked with permits in the same way that diversions, traffic management, weight restrictions etc can be, it may make coordination and useability more functional.
I hope this is something you will consider for future updates.
Kind regards
This sort of recurring information is usually handled as part of the NSG.
Automatically showing relevant restrictions from the NSG in the coordination process is part of the one.network roadmap