Product Ideas

Bespoke disruption rules to traffic management plans

Sandwell MBC requested a feature update. 

They would like to apply bespoke disruption rules to traffic management plans. Please see below -


For example, 

- All Traffic Sensitive Roads in Sandwell: Please can the disruption indicator for the works info show as: 'Delays Possible' if the traffic management is: 'Some Carriageway Incursion'

- All Traffic Sensitive Roads in Sandwell that are C/W Type 1 and C/W Type 2: Please can the disruption indicator for the works info show as: 'Delays Likely' if the traffic management is 'Give and Take' or 'Priority working'

- All Traffic Sensitive Roads in Sandwell that are C/W Type 3 or below: Please can the disruption indicator for the works info show as: 'Delays Possible' if the traffic management is 'Give and Take' or 'Priority working'

Please can you review.

  • Guest
  • Aug 15 2019
  • Nov 1, 2019

    Admin response

    Impact is currently computed based on traffic sensitivity, category, notice type, works type and traffic management type. The rule is generic across all works gathered on

    The addition of a user definable rules engine is a consideration for the future but this is a considerable piece of work and not on the roadmap at this time. It is certainly not out of the question but would require significant interest from multiple organisations to be considered and is therefore, to avoid any expectation gap, has been labeled as unlikely to be implemented at this time.

    Thank you for the suggestion and will will routinely review and update if further votes are added.

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  • Guest commented
    September 06, 2019 13:14

    I do believe that the RAG conditions outlined above are the same for other local authorities in the Midlands. Some of these authorities include: Wolverhampton, Walsall, Birmingham, Staffordshire, Worcestershire, Warwickshire and Coventry.