Have a separate module in addition to the ‘Public Map’ and ‘Traffic Management’ layers’; perhaps called the ‘HA planning’ layer. The thinking is this becomes a one stop shop for all internal perspective HA schemes so we can see where clashes may occur. Permissions can be used to control access and ownership. It would enable internal HA teams to draw extents, add documents and choose whether to publish. We could then also share this with SU’s and Councillors etc. so they know where our potential schemes if required via the Publish button. These are often indicative works, which have not yet reached Forward Planning stage.
Hi Eliza,
That is really good to hear as this is functionality we feel would be of huge benefit to the O.N community.
Kind regards,
Jonathan Weeks
Service Manager - Street Works
Traffic Management, Road Safety & Parking
Somerset County Council
County Hall
B2 North
Office Tel: 01823 357525
Team Number: 01823 355202
Work Mobile: 07816 219308
Email: jonathan.weeks@somerset.gov.uk
Web: www.somerset.gov.uk
My working hours may not be your working hours. Please do not feel obligated to respond out of your normal working schedule
Travel Somerset - for live travel alerts, roadworks information and winter weather updates On Twitter @TravelSomerset and online 24/7 at www.travelsomerset.co.uk
Good idea - we will work internally to create a business case for this and we wil let you know if/when we can bring into the product pipeline.