Product Ideas

Denoting all Immediate Works with the "E" symbol to aid HAs and members of the public in easily identifying all emergency works.

As a Highway Authority we have noticed that, when viewing Immediate works on, a good percentage of them are not clearly marked with the "E" symbol. This assists in quickly deciphering which works are planned vs immediate.

As members of the public also utilise, it unfortunately generates complaints when it is unclear to them when works are immediate/emergency works, as they see works without the "E", assume the works are planned, then become concerned that they have not been notified of the works.

The way we classify immediate or emergency works is stated on Street Manager as: Unscheduled works of a critical nature that need to be undertaken without delay.

After some brief investigation from our end, it appears the discrepancy arises from the two sub categories of "immediate" works on Street Manager. As follows:

  • Emergency - there is a risk of danger to people or property

  • Urgent - there is not a risk of danger to people or property

All Immediate Start works are classed as Emergencies, however on Street Manager when Utilities are applying for Immediate works, they have to select one of the two options. What we need is for all Immediate Start, both Emergency and Urgent to appear on with the "E" symbol, as presently only the Emergency option is pulling through on the API feed to show the "E".

Whatever process is used for the Emergency Immediate Start works needs to be duplicated for the Urgent Immediate Start works.

We believe it will be beneficial for all Highway Authorities and members of the public if all Immediate / Urgent works are clearly shown with the "E" symbol, as opposed to only the "Emergency" sub category as this would save a lot of confusion and complaints.

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  • Mar 14 2024
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