Here in Notts we close roads around Trent Bridge Cricket Ground for international and domestic games which attract large crowds.
Both the 'football' and 'sport event' categories use the same football as the picture icon displayed. I understand there's no need to have several different sport categories.
Any chance of a separate cricket category using a pic of a cricket bat?
If not can you alter the football in the 'sport event' category to something generic? Maybe a whistle or stopwatch?
Currently we use the 'other' category as people would complain if we displayed a football on the cricket pitch!
Hi Colin, we are working on new designs for this icon now. Changes will be delivered by mid February.
Hello again. It's a few days away from 1 year since I proposed this idea. I am wanting to add this years road closures for cricket matches but the 'sport' icon still shows a football. On 1 Nov below we were told you'd draw up some plans to change. What's the latest please?
Hi All, thank you for drawing our attention to this. You are right. We will draw up some plans to change the generic sporting category to something other than a football.
I agree! I have to use the 'sport event' icon for sailing and windsurfing, looks totally ridiculous!
I agree